Our Collections

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tape reels
a tape machine
boxes of archive materials

PARADISEC has more than 700 collections representing over 1,370 languages.

PARADISEC’s catalog can also be searched freely with unrestricted access via the OLAC gateway. Data in the PARADISEC collection should be cited at the item level using format given in our catalog’s ‘Cite as’ field, and we also include digital object identifiers (doi).

Samples of a range of audio archived with PARADISEC can be browsed in this interactive Soundscape Map.

Access conditions for files stored in our archive vary by Collection, and are specified in each Collection or Item in the catalog. Unless otherwise stated, the metadata in PARADISEC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The moral rights of the performers are asserted. See PARADISEC’s access conditions in our Deposit section.

Downloading files: Currently only individual files can be downloaded by registered users of our catalog; please contact us for special cases where bulk downloading of files may be required.

We have also digitised the fieldnotes of Arthur Capell, Stephen A. Wurm and Calvin Roesler and these are publicly available through this website. To search these collections click on one of the links below.

The fieldnotes of Arthur Capell

The fieldnotes of Stephen A. Wurm

The fieldnotes of Calvin Roesler

*Photo credits this page: Julia Miller